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September 23, 2012

Nu-Amon (SPA)

Yesterday, 9/22/12, was (as all of you know) the birthday of both Frodo and Bilbo Baggins.  In honour of this most precious occasion, we here at the Bevtown Brewer Facility created, "Nu-Amon SPA" (if you're wondering what SPA stands for...  it's Shire Pale Ale).  It should prove to be a tricksy and bold lager that you and your fellowship will try once, and crave again and again.  It will steal your hearts and run rings around other SPAs that you may have tried.

In the future... keep your Palantirs at the ready, and look for Radagast Brown Ale, the Mirkwood Oak Barrel Series, Melkor's Black Lager, and of course the Rohan Red.

And don't forget... the Nu-Amon is only available at the Green Dragon, the Prancing Pony, and our facility right here in the North Central Farthing of the Bev'.

September 16, 2012


After a much much much too long hiatus, I have begun a new batch.   Summer is quickly fading and at night, the sweet Beverly air caresses my soul with the loving bite of autumn. -- I just made that up.

So- "where have we been?"  "You name it."... well, that's not exactly the right thing to say, but we have been all over the place - developing ideas.

I was quoted in a newspaper in Saratoga Spings, New York during the "Battle of the Brews" - and the next day I had the long shot "to-win" at the Travers... just my luck-- the first "dead heat" in the history of the race.

I'm actually thinking of a recipe to commemorate the event.  "Snake Hill Ale - Dead Heat"... it'll be spicy I think.

In other news, I harvested our first Hop Crop.  It's in the kitchen drying as I type!  And ALSO... I'm brewing up an October-fest Ale for next month.  :)  I'm calling it "Die Valkure".

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