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October 14, 2013


Well, here it is.  Columbus Day; the day after - the day after Bevtoberfest.  We just about kicked every keg there was.  There was NO food left and my firewood has all but disappeared.  The house dropped to a bitter 58 degrees F last night and thus all hope of an extended Summer.

The results from the survey (so far): Die Valkure took first (again) this year with George II taking a close second, then the Stout and finally the Oktoplasm (which I happen to be drinking right now).

Thank you to all of those who made the day such awesome fun!  Next Saturday is the 8th Annual New England Regional Homebrew Competition and all four of our brews are entered, so hopefully, I'll be blogging about one (or more (or FOUR!)) of those next weekend!

Until Then,
-- The Bevtown Brewer

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